Merrybet Bet codes / Taps

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BET CODEHome/Draw/Away (FT)
1HomeHome team will win in the match
0DrawThe match will end in a draw
2AwayAway team will win in the match
Double Chance
3Home or AwayHome or away team will win in the match
4Home or DrawHome team will win or the match will end in a draw
5Away or DrawAway team will win or the match will end in a draw
Over/Under 2.5 FT
6Over FT3 or more goals in the match
7Under FT2 or less goals in the match
Goal/No Goal
8GoalBoth teams to score in the match
9No GoalOnly one team scores in the match, or neither teams score in the match
Double Chance 1st Half
10Home Or Away HTHome or Away team will win in the first half
20Home or Draw HTHome team will win or draw at half time
30Draw or Away HTAway team will win or draw at half time
Double Chance 2nd Half
40Home Or Away 2nd HalfHome or Away team will win in the second half
50Home or Draw 2nd HalfHome team will win or draw in the second half
60Away or Draw 2nd HalfAway will win or draw in the second half
Over/Under 0.5 FT
120Over FT1 or more goals in the match
130Under FT0 goals in the match
Over/Under 1.5 FT
140Over FT2 or more goals in the match
150Under FT1 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 3.5 FT
160Over FT4 or more goals in the match
170Under FT3 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 4.5 FT
180Over FT5 or more goals in the match
190Under FT4 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 5.5 FT
200Over FT6 or more goals in the match
210Under FT5 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 6.5
8880Over7 or more goals in the match
8890Under6 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 7.5
8900Over8 or more goals in the match
8910Under7 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 8.5
8920Over9 or more goals in the match
8930Under8 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 9.5
8940Over10 or more goals in the match
8950Under9 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 10.5 FT
8960Over11 or more goals in the match
8970Under10 or less goals in the match
Over/Under 0.5 1HT
240Over HT1 or more goals at half time
250Under HT0 goals at half time
Over/Under 1.5 1HT
260Over HT2 or more goals at half time
270Under HT1 or less goals at half time
Over/Under 2.5 1HT
280Over HT3 or more goals at half time
290Under HT2 or less goals at half time
Over/Under 0.5 2nd Half
300Over 2nd Half1 or more goals in the second half
310Under 2nd Half0 goals in the second half
Over/Under 1.5 2nd Half
320Over 2nd Half2 or more goals in the second half
330Under 2nd Half1 or less goals in the second half
Over/Under 2.5 2nd Half
340Over 2nd Half3 or more goals in the second half
350Under 2nd Half2 or less goals in the second half
GG/NG 1st Half
650Goal Half TimeBoth teams to score at half time
660No Goal Half TimeOnly one team scores at half time or neither team scores at half time
GG/NG 2nd Half
670Goal 2nd HalfBoth teams to score in the second half
671No Goal 2nd HalfOnly one team scores in the second half or neither team scores in the second half
10 Minute Betting
680Home 10 minHome team scores a goal in the first 10 minutes
690Draw 10 minDraw in the first 10 minutes
700Away 10 minAway team scores a goal in the first 10 minutes
First Goal Interval
48411-15 minutesFirst goal will be scored between 1 and 15 minutes
484216-30 MinutesFirst goal will be scored between 16 and 30 minutes
484331-45 minutesFirst goal will be scored between 31 and 45 minutes
484446-60 minutesFirst goal will be scored between 46 and 60 minutes
484561-75 minutesFirst goal will be scored between 61 and 75 minutes
484676-90 minutesFirst goal will be scored between 76 and 90 minutes
4847NoneNo goals will be scored
Draw No Bet (DNB)
1020Home DNBHome team will win. Draw will be refunded
1030Away DNBAway team will win. Draw will be refunded
Half Time
710Home Half TimeHome team wins the first half
720Away Half TimeAway team wins the first half
730Draw Half TimeDraw at the end of the first half
Home/Draw/Away 2HT
740Home 2nd HalfHome team wins the second half
750Draw 2nd HalfDraw at the end of the second half
760Away 2nd HalfAway team wins the second half
Both Halves Over 1.5
610Yes2 or more goals will be scored in both halves
620No2 or more goals will NOT be scored in both halves
Both Halves Under 1.5
630Yes1 or less goals will be scored in both halves
640No1 or less goals will NOT be scored in both halves
Home S. Both Halves
5070YesHome will score in both halves
5080NoHome will NOT score in both halves
Away S. Both Halves
5090YesAway will score in both halves
5100NoAway will NOT score in both halves
H. Wins Both Halves
770YesHome wins in both halves
780NoHome does NOT win in both halves
A. Wins Both Halves
790YesAway wins in both halves
800NoAway does NOT win in both halves
Home to win either Half
771YesHome team will win either half
772NoHome team will not win either half
Away to win either Half
791YesAway team will win either half
792NoAway team will not win either half
Highest Scoring Half
8101stMore goals will be scored in the 1st half
8202ndMore goals will be scored in the 2nd half
830EqualEqual goals will be scored in both halves
3920OddOdd number of goals will be scored in the match
3930EvenEven number of goals will be scored in the match
Odd/Even 1st Half
3940Odd Half TimeOdd number of goals will be scored in the first half
3950Even Half TimeEven number of goals will be scored in the first half
First Team To Score
3980Home Score 1stHome will score first in the match
3990Away Score 1stAway will score first in the match
4000H/A No ScoreNeither team will score in the match
Last Team To Score
4030Home Goal LastHome will score the last goal in the match
4040Away Goal LastAway will score the last goal in the match
4050No ScoreNeither team will score in the match
Team To Score 90 Minutes
1080Home GoalHome will score in the match
1090Home No GoalHome will NOT score in the match
1100Away GoalAway will score in the match
1110Away No GoalAway will NOT score in the match
Half Time/Full Time
1180HT Home/FT HomeHome team will lead at half time and win at full time
1190HT Home/FT DrawHome will lead at half time and draw at full time
1200HT Home/FT AwayHome team will lead at half time and away team will win at full time
1210HT Draw/FT HomeDraw at half time and home team will win at full time
1220HT Draw/FT DrawDraw at half time and draw at full time
1230HT Draw/FT AwayDraw at half time and away team will win at full time
1240HT Away/FT HomeAway team will lead at half time and home team will win at full time
1250HT Away/FT DrawAway team will lead at half time and it will be a draw at full time
1260HT Away/FT AwayAway team will lead at half time win at full time
To Qualify
2900Home QualifyHome team will qualify to next round
2910Away QualifyAway team will qualify to next round
Penalty Shootout
7190YesA penalty shootout will be played
7210NoA penalty shoot out will not be played
Correct Score FT
31300 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
31400 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
31500 - 2Correct Score at Full Time
31600 - 3Correct Score at Full Time
31700 - 4Correct Score at Full Time
31801 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
31901 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
32001 - 2Correct Score at Full Time
32101 - 3Correct Score at Full Time
32201 - 4Correct Score at Full Time
32302 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
32402 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
32502 - 2Correct Score at Full Time
32602 - 3Correct Score at Full Time
32703 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
32803 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
32903 - 2Correct Score at Full Time
33003 - 3Correct Score at Full Time
33103 - 4Correct Score at Full Time
33204 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
33304 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
33404 - 2Correct Score at Full Time
33504 - 3Correct Score at Full Time
33600 - 5Correct Score at Full Time
33701 - 5Correct Score at Full Time
33802 - 5Correct Score at Full Time
33903 - 5Correct Score at Full Time
34004 - 5Correct Score at Full Time
34105 - 5Correct Score at Full Time
34205 - 3Correct Score at Full Time
34305 - 4Correct Score at Full Time
34502 - 4Correct Score at Full Time
34604 - 4Correct Score at Full Time
34705 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
34805 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
34905 - 2Correct Score at Full Time
35006 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
35106 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
35207 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
35307 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
35408 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
35508 - 1Correct Score at Full Time
35609 - 0Correct Score at Full Time
3570OtherCorrect Score at Full Time
3440Other55Correct Score at Full Time
3580Other BrCorrect Score at Full Time
Correct Score HT
35900 - 0 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36000 - 1 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36100 - 2 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36200 - 3 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36300 - 4 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36401 - 0 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36501 - 1 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36601 - 2 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36701 - 3 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36801 - 4 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
36902 - 0 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37002 - 1 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37102 - 2 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37202 - 3 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37302 - 4 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37403 - 0 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37503 - 1 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37603 - 2 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37703 - 3 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37804 - 0 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
37904 - 1 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
38004 - 2 HTCorrect Score at Half Time
3810Other HTCorrect Score at Half Time
Match Flow
4060Home team scores first and homeThe home team will score the first goal and will win the match
4070Home team scores first and drawThe home team will score the first goal and the match will end in a draw
4080Home team scores first and awayThe home team will score the first goal and the away team will win the match
4090Away team scores first and awayThe away team will score the first goal and will win the match
4100Away team scores first and homeThe away team will score the first goal and the home team will win the match
4110Away team scores first and drawThe away team will score the first goal and the match will end in a draw
4120No GoalNo goals are scored in the match
How The Match Will Be Decided
5400Home Regular TimeHome team wins in regular time
5410Away Regular TimeAway team wins in regular time
5420Home Over TimeHome team wins in extra time
5430Away Over TimeAway team wins in extra time
5440Home Penalty ShootoutHome team wins after penalty shootout
5450Away Penalty ShootoutAway team wins after penalty shootout
1x2 & Over/Under 1.5
474Home & Over 1.5 FTHome to win & over 1.5 goals scored in the match
475Home & Under 1.5 FTHome to win & Under 1.5 goals scored in the match
476Draw & Over 1.5 FTDraw & over 1.5 goals scored in the match
477No Score 0-0 FTNo Goals Scored In match 0-0 FT
478Away & Over 1.5 FTAway to win & over 1.5 goals scored in the match
479Away & Under 1.5 FTAway to win & under 1.5 goals scored in the match
1x2 & Over/Under 2.5
480Home & Over 2.5 FTHome to win & over 2.5 goals scored in the match
490Home & Under 2.5 FTHome to win & under 2.5 goals scored in the match
500Draw & Over 2.5 FTDraw & over 2.5 goals scored in the match
510Draw & Under 2.5 FTDraw & under 2.5 goals scored in the match
520Away & Over 2.5 FTAway to win & over 2.5 goals scored in the match
530Away & Under 1.5 FTAway to win & under 2.5 goals scored in the match
1x2 & Over/Under 3.5
540Home & Over 3.5 FTHome to win & over 3.5 goals scored in the match
550Home & Under 3.5 FTHome to win & under 3.5 goals scored in the match
560Draw & Over 3.5 FTDraw & over 3.5 goals scored in the match
570Draw & Under 3.5 FTDraw & under 3.5 goals scored in the match
580Away & Over 3.5 FTAway to win & over 3.5 goals scored in the match
600Away & Under 3.5 FTAway to win & under 3.5 goals scored in the match
1x2 & Goal/No Goal
931Home & GG FTHome wins and both teams score FT
932Home & NG FTHome wins & only 1 team scores FT
933Draw & GG FTDraw & both teams score FT
934Draw & NG FTDraw & neither team scores FT (0-0)
935Away & GG FTAway wins & both teams score FT
936Away & NG FTAway wins & only 1 team scores FT
Goal/No Goal & Over/Under 2.5
900GG & Over 2.5Both teams to score & over 2.5 goals at full time
910GG & Under 2.5Both teams to score & under 2.5 goals at full time
920NG & Over 2.51 or neither teams to score & over 2.5 goals at full time
930NG & Under 2.51 or neither teams to score & under 2.5 goals at full time
Total Goals
49400Total goals scored in the match will be 0 goals
49501Total goals scored in the match will be 1 goal
49602Total goals scored in the match will be 2 goals
49703Total goals scored in the match will be 3 goals
49804Total goals scored in the match will be 4 goals
49905Total goals scored in the match will be 5 goals
50006+Total goals scored in the match will be 6 or more goals
Total Goals (Aggregated)
50010 - 1There will be between 0 and 1 goals scored by full time
50022 - 3There will be between 2 and 3 goals scored by full time
50034 - 5There will be between 4 and 5 goals scored by full time
50046+There will be 6 or more goals scored by full time
1st Half Total Goals
50100Total goals scored in the 1st half is 0
50201Total goals scored in the 1st half is 1
50302+Total goals scored in the 1st half is 2 or more
2nd Half Total Goals
50400Total goals scored in the 2nd half is 0
50501Total goals scored in the 2nd half is 1
50602+Total goals scored in the 2nd half is 2 or more
Goals Home Team
47300Home team will score 0 goals in the match
47401Home team will score 1 goals in the match
47502Home team will score 2 goals in the match
47603+Home team will score 3 or more goals in the match
Goals Away Team
47700Away team will score 0 goals in the match
47801Away team will score 1 goals in the match
47902Away team will score 2 goals in the match
48003+Away team will score 3 or more goals in the match
Clean Sheet
5460Clean Sheet Home TeamThe home team will have a clean sheet
5470Clean Sheet Away TeamThe away team will have a clean sheet
Overtime (Yes/No)
3090Overtime YesThe match will go into overtime
3100Overtime NoThe match will not go into overtime
Overtime & Goal
3110YesThe match will go into overtime
3120NoThe match will not go into overtime
Corner Total
27900 - 8Total number of corners in the match will be between 0 - 8
28009 - 11Total number of corners in the match will be between 9 - 11
281012+Total number of corners in the match will be 12 or more
Home Team N. Corners
27100 - 2The home team will have between 0 - 2 corners by full time
27203 - 4The home team will have between 3 - 4 corners by full time
27305 - 6The home team will have between 5 - 6 corners by full time
27407+The home team will have 7 or more corners by full time
Away Team N. Corners
27500 - 2The away team will have between 0 - 2 corners by full time
27603 - 4The away team will have between 3 - 4 corners by full time
27705 - 6The away team will have between 5 - 6 corners by full time
27807+The away team will have 7 or more corners by full time
O/U Corner 4.5 FT
2190Corner over 4.5Corners will be 5 or more at full time
2200Corner Under 4.5Corners will be 4 or less at full time
O/U Corner 5.5 FT
2210Corner over 5.5Corners will be 6 or more at full time
2220Corner Under 5.5Corners will be 5 or less at full time
O/U Corner 6.5 FT
2230Corner over 6.5Corners will be 7 or more at full time
2240Corner Under 6.5Corners will be 6 or less at full time
O/U Corner 7.5 FT
2250Corner over 7.5Corners will be 8 or more at full time
2260Corner Under 7.5Corners will be 7 or less at full time
O/U Corner 8.5 FT
2270Corner over 8.5Corners will be 9 or more at full time
2280Corner Under 8.5Corners will be 8 or less at full time
O/U Corner 9.5 FT
2290Corner over 9.5Corners will be 10 or more at full time
2300Corner Under 9.5Corners will be 9 or less at full time
O/U Corner 10.5 FT
2310Corner over 10.5Corners will be 11 or more at full time
2320Corner Under 10.5Corners will be 10 or less at full time
O/U Corner 11.5 FT
2330Corner over 11.5Corners will be 12 or more at full time
2340Corner Under 11.5Corners will be 11 or less at full time
O/U Corner 12.5 FT
2350Corner over 12.5Corners will be 13 or more at full time
2360Corner Under 12.5Corners will be 12 or less at full time
O/U Corner 16.5 FT
2430Corner over 16.5Corners will be 17 or more at full time
2440Corner Under 16.5Corners will be 16 or less at full time
HT O/U Corner 4.5
2550Corner over 4.5 HTCorners will be 5 or more at half time
2560Corner Under 4.5 HTCorners will be 4 or less at half time
HT O/U Corner 5.5
2570Corner over 5.5 HTCorners will be 6 or more at half time
2580Corner Under 5.5 HTCorners will be 5 or less at half time
HT O/U Corner 6.5
2590Corner over 6.5 HTCorners will be 7 or more at half time
2600Corner Under 6.5 HTCorners will be 6 or less at half time
Corner Odd/Even
2811OddOdd corners
2812EvenEven corners
1st Half Corner Odd/Even
1461OddOdd corners 1st half
1462EvenEven corners 1st half
Last Corner
9371HomeHome team will receive the last corner
9373AwayAway team will receive the last corner
55201 HAfter adjusting for the handicap - home team will win
55302 HAfter adjusting for the handicap - away team will win
5540X HHandicap draw
Over/Under Asian 2
6620A Over 2Asian Over 2
6630A Under 2Asian Under 2
Over/Under Asian 2.25
6640A Over 2.25Asian Over 2.25
6650A Under 2.25Asian Under 2.25
Over/Under Asian 2.5
6660A Over 2.5Asian Over 2.5
6670A Under 2.5Asian Under 2.5
Over/Under Asian 2.75
6680A Over 2.75Asian Over 2.75
6690A Under 2.75Asian Under 2.75
Over/Under Asian 3
6700A Over 3Asian Over 3
6710A Under 3Asian Under 3
Over/Under Asian 4
6720A Over 4Asian Over 4
6730A Under 4Asian Under 4
HT Over/Under Asian 0.75
6740A Over 0.75Asian Over 0.75 1st Half
6750A Under 0.75Asian Under 0.75 1st Half
HT Over/Under Asian 1
6760A Over 1Asian Over 1 1st Half
6770A Under 1Asian Under 1 1st Half
HT Over/Under Asian 1.25
6780A Over 1.25Asian Over 1.25 1st Half
6790A Under 1.25Asian Under 1.25 1st Half
HT Over/Under Asian 1.5
6810A Over 1.5Asian Over 1.5 1st Half
6830A Under 1.5Asian Under 1.5 1st Half
First Booking
5511HomeHome receives the first booking
5512NoneNo bookings
5513AwayAway receives the first booking
Total Bookings (3.5) FT
7721Over 3.5Total bookings over 3.5 at full time
7722Under 3.5Total bookings under 3.5 at full time
Total Bookings (4.5) FT
7723Over 4.5Total bookings over 4.5 at full time
7724Under 4.5Total bookings under 4.5 at full time
Total Bookings (5.5) FT
7725Over 5.5Total bookings over 5.5 at full time
7726Under 5.5Total bookings under 5.5 at full time
Total Bookings (6.5) FT
7727Over 6.5Total bookings over 6.5 at full time
7728Under 6.5Total bookings under 6.5 at full time
Total Bookings (7.5) FT
7729Over 7.5Total bookings over 7.5 at full time
7731Under 7.5Total bookings under 7.5 at full time
7800HomeHome team will win in regular time OR after extra time
7810AwayAway team will win in regular time OR after extra time
Final Result
7870Placed (1-8)Placed (1-8)
100Over FTThere are more goals/points in match than given limit
110Under FTThere are less goals/points in match than given limit
Over/Under Games
8820Over GamesMore games than given limit
8830Under GamesLess games than given limit
Over/Under Points
8840Over Total PointsMore points in match than given limit
8850Under Total PointsLess points in match than given limit
Over/Under 1st Period
9180Over 1PThere are more goals in 1st period than given limit
9190Under 1PThere are less goals in 1st period than given limit
Highest Scoring Period
8311st period1st period will be highest scoring
8322nd Period2nd period will be highest scoring
8333rd Period3rd period will be highest scoring
1x2 1st Period
79801 1stHome team will lead at the end of first period
7990X 1stPDraw result at the end of first period
80002 1stPAway team will lead at the end of first period
Handicap 1st Half
55501 H 1HTFirst half handicap - home team
55602 H 1HTFirst half handicap - away team
Handicap 1 - 2
84001 HHome team wins with handicap
84102 HAway team wins with handicap
Win Margins Handball
9890HT > 10Home team wins by 10 or more
9900HT 6 - 10Home team wins with 6 - 10
9910HT 1 - 5Home team wins with 1 - 5
9920DrawDraw result at the end of first period
9921AT 1 - 5Away team wins with 1 - 5
9930AT 6 - 10Home team wins with 6 - 10
9940AT > 10Away team wins by 10 or more



  1. most of d codes dont work for merrybet, plz inbox or update it. thanks

  2. most of d codes dont work for merrybet, plz inbox or update it.thanks


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